
Atropos is a lightweight, free and open-source JavaScript library to create stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects.

Available for JavaScript, React and as WebComponent (for use with Angular, Vue, Svelte, Solid and other frameworks)



Touch Friendly
Atropos uses pointer events so it perfectly works with both mouse and touch screens at the same time
Atropos script is just 2KB minified and gzipped
Zero Dependencies
Yeah, Atropos doesn't depend and doesn't include any third-party scripts
Atropos comes with wide customization possibilities


Creative and interactive presentation for anything

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box bggame covergame studio
box bggame covergame studio
box bggame covergame studio
movie bg
movie logo 2movie logo 3
movie bg
movie logo 2
movie bg
movie logo 2movie logo 3
movie bg
movie logo 2movie logo 3

Multiple Atropos Components

Multiple Atropos components working together with common perspective

Get Started

Atropos is completely free and open-source (MIT Licensed)

Get Started