
Atropos Element Documentation

Browser Compatibility

Atropos is compatible with browsers which support the following features:


We can install Atropos from NPM

npm i atropos


To style Atropos Component, you can target and customize various parts of the component using the part attribute. The following parts are available for styling:

  • scale: This part represents the container for scaling the component. You can apply styles to this part to control the scaling behavior.
  • rotate: This part represents the container for rotating the component. You can target this part to apply styles related to rotation.
  • inner: This part represents the inner content of the component. You can style this part to modify the appearance of the inner content.

Here's an example of how you can write CSS rules to style the inner part of the atropos-component:

atropos-component::part(inner) {
/* Your styles for the inner part */

Component Usage

// import Atropos component
import AtroposComponent from 'atropos/element';
// register Atropos component
customElements.define('atropos-component', AtroposComponent);
<atropos-component class="my-atropos">
<!-- ... -->

In addition to Atropos's main CSS styles, we may need to add some custom styles, for example to set Atropos size:

.my-atropos {
width: 320px;
height: 160px;

Component Attributes

active-offsetnumber50Main container offset when activated (on hover), basically means translateZ value
always-activebooleanfalseEnables Atropos to be always active
durationnumber300Transition duration when activated, leave and and during rotate (in ms)
rotatebooleantrueDefines whether to rotate container on pointer move (when activated)
rotate-touchboolean | stringtrueDefines whether to rotate container on touch move (when activated), rotate must be enabled. Also accepts special values:
  • scroll-y - will not rotate container with initial vertical touch-move (vertical scrolling), basically will not block page vertical scrolling
  • scroll-x - will not rotate container with initial horizontal touch-move (horizontal scrolling), basically will not block page horizontal scrolling
rotate-x-maxnumber15Max rotation along the X-axis (in deg)
rotate-y-maxnumber15Max rotation along the Y-axis (in deg)
rotate-x-invertbooleanfalseInverts rotation along the X-axis (in deg)
rotate-y-invertbooleanfalseInverts rotation along the Y-axis (in deg)
stretch-xnumber0Move (translate) atropos container along the X-axis on this value (in percentage). E.g. `50` value will move container +-50% of its width. Only for multiple Atropos, when multiple Atropos uses same parent `eventsEl` container
stretch-ynumber0Move (translate) atropos container along the Y-axis on this value (in percentage). E.g. `50` value will move container +-50% of its height. Only for multiple Atropos, when multiple Atropos uses same parent `eventsEl` container
stretch-znumber0Move (translate) atropos container along the Z-axis on this value (in percentage). E.g. `50` value will move container +-50% of its height. Only for multiple Atropos, when multiple Atropos uses same parent `eventsEl` container
common-originbooleantrueWill dynamically set `transform-origin` for all Atropos components with same parent to same point (usually pointer position). Only for multiple Atropos, when multiple Atropos uses same parent `eventsEl` container
shadowbooleantrueEnables shadow
shadow-offsetnumber50Shadow offset, basically shadow element's translateZ value
shadow-scalenumber1Shadow scale factor
highlightbooleantrueEnables highlight
enterfunctionEvent will be fired when Atropos activated (on hover)
leavefunctionEvent will be fired when Atropos deactivated (on pointer out)
rotatefunction(event)Event will be fired on rotate.
rootElements passed here will be added to atropos root element
scaleElements passed here will be added to atropos-scale element
rotateElements passed here will be added to atropos-rotate root element

For example:

import AtroposComponent from 'atropos/element';
customElements.define('atropos-component', AtroposComponent);
<atropos-component class="my-atropos"
const atroposComponent = document.querySelector('.my-atropos');
atroposComponent.addEventListener('enter', function() {
atroposComponent.addEventListener('leave', function() {
atroposComponent.addEventListener('rotate', function(event) {
console.log('Rotate', event.detail);

Get Instance

We can access Atropos instance as follows:

const atroposComponent = document.querySelector('atropos-component');
const atroposInstance = atroposComponent.atroposRef;

Control Elements Offsets

Atropos uses special data- attributes to control elements offset (parallax effect):

  • data-atropos-offset - controls element offset/translate in percentage.

    For example:
    • data-atropos-offset="5" means that element will move 5% of its size on max rotate angles.
    • data-atropos-offset="-5" means that element will move -5% of its size on max rotate angles.

    Basically if you want the element to appear closer (be in front of the scene), then this value should be positive. And if you want the element to appear in the distance (be behind the scene), then this value should be negative.

  • data-atropos-opacity - controls element opacity.
    For example:
    • data-atropos-opacity="0;1" - means element's opacity will change from 0 (on initial state) and up to 1 (on max rotate angles).
    • data-atropos-opacity="0.1;0.8" - means element's opacity will change from 0.1 (on initial state) and up to 0.8 (on max rotate angles).
    • data-atropos-opacity="1;0" - means element's opacity will change from 1 (on initial state) and down to to 0 (on max rotate angles).

For example:

Element with negative offset will move in reverse direction,
making it appear behind the scene
<img src="image-bg.png" data-atropos-offset="-5" />
Element with no offset will not move
<img src="image-middle.png" data-atropos-offset="0" />
Element with positive offset will move in same direction,
making it appear in front of the scene
<img src="image-front.png" data-atropos-offset="5" />

What's next?

As you see it is easy to integrate Atropos into your website or app. So here are your next steps: